Since MSMEs are known as the backbone of the Indian Economy, companies who have established themselves in the market and have survived the hardest of times, Indian Achiever’s Forum aims to recognize them and award them with the Udyog Bharati Award. Organizations, Companies and MSMEs with more than 7-8 years of contribution to the industry are eligible for this award. Every Organization that undergoes and overcomes the ups and down deserves recognition. We take pride in awarding this award to the most deserved organization and further encourage them towards achieving additional efficiency.
The MSME sector is the second largest employment generating sector after agriculture and provides employment to about 120 million individuals in India. Organizations/ companies contributing to the society must be recognized and the Udyog Bharati Award intends to identify and strengthen the community’s role in the economic development of the country and shall act as a catalyst in bringing about the growth and development of Indian society. Indian Achiever’s Forum helps them to create awareness and support MSMEs and Start-ups’ efforts on quality, environment and consumer protection; identify and address the special needs of the small sector and reinforce the commitment to society.