The Indian Achievers’ Forum (IAF) is an apex body, established in the year 2000, and is driven by a full-fledged advisory board that consists of senior leaders, prominent bureaucrats, famous journalists, renowned corporate CEOs, industry experts, consultants and subject matter specialists to make India proud at the national and international level.
We bring professionals and social entrepreneurs together through conferences, seminars, social events, networking sessions, knowledge sharing programmes, exhibitions, and other initiatives that promote social entrepreneurship. In the past two decades, we have organized more than 200 such programmes in India and abroad where more than a lakh participants took part. Our website www.iafindia.com, draws good traffic of more than 1 lac hits globally every month. We also publish two prominent magazines CSR TIMES & Achievers’ World.
The liberalization of trade and growth influenced by the remarkable performance of information technology, communications and bio-technology, has set a new belief that role of the State is reduced and that the Start-ups and MSMEs are emerging as a fuel to the national economy.
In most of the developed countries, it is a common perception that the Corporate sector can and should contribute not only to their own shareholder returns but that such returns, in the long term are intimately linked to the wider community in which they operate.
India is the largest democracy and the fifth largest economy of the world. There are more than 1600 languages and dialects spoken by a population of over one billion. The opportunities and conditions for growth in India requires a commitment by various national and international organizations to praise the achievements of the every sector that contribute to the development of human capital.
Indian Achievers’ Forum draws attention on the theme “how the successful achievers can help the social & economic infrastructural development in and around the country.” It provides examples of social entrepreneurs and successful models of the society and corporate sector partnership.
Since the rapid growth and development of the Indian economy has increased the need for a common platform where all the sections of community can discuss the major issues of India’s economic growth. Indian Achievers’ Forum is the platform which engages in developing and sharing ideas, opinions and knowledge on the key issues.
There are people in the society for whom circumstances, lack of resources and setbacks are no hurdles. These individuals are people of strong will and dedication. Despite all odds, these champions polish their lives so much in their field of interest that they stand apart in society. Having achieved great heights in their respective domains, these individuals need to be encouraged, hence Achievers’ World Excellence Awards. Nominations can be submitted by anyone who has a track record of such trailblazing efforts in any field and the likes of Corporate, Sports, Science, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Social Service, Courageous Acts, Arts & Culture, Entertainment, Tourism, Healthcare, Education, CSR, Media, Community Development, Job Creation etc. – which makes the work exceptional – beyond the common league.
An approach by Indian Achievers’ Forum that places emphasis on beneficiary participation will create awareness in all sectors and move towards stronger and more collaborative partnership for social development causes.
Our primary goal is to promote MSMEs and Start-ups and to ensure that government and society as a whole understand both the needs of business community and its contribution to the nation’s well-being.
For this, we work
- To identify and strengthen community’s role in the economic development of the country.
- To act as a catalyst in bringing about the growth and development of Indian society.
- To reinforce the commitment to society.
- To create awareness and support MSMEs and Start-ups’ efforts on quality, environment and consumer protection.
- To identify and address the special needs of the small sector.
- To promote cooperation with counterpart organisations.
- To work towards the globalization of Indian industry and integration into the world economy.
- This is done by adopting a proactive and partnership approach with the government on various national and international issues concerning the Indian economy It closely interacts on policy issues at both the central and state levels. Extensive dialogue and interaction with members and all sections of the community, and build consensus.
- Indian Achievers’ Forum draws attention on the theme “how the successful Achievers can help the social development in and around the country.” It provides examples of social entrepreneurs, successful models of the society and business community partnership.
- In support of this mission, Indian Achievers’ Forum has adopted the following goals.
- To deliver programs that enhance technical and developmental skills.
- To gather and analyze information on emerging trends impacting the nation’s future.
- To provide methods for effectively communicating information helpful in recognition of specialists.
- To provide environments where ideas and information can be shared.
Indian Achievers’ Forum acts like a two-way bridge between a) the business communities in India and investors from foreign countries who understand the potential of Indian market for their products and services; and b) between the Indian investors and the opportunities on foreign soils.
The forum regularly organizes seminars in India as well as abroad where people meet opportunities and opportunities meet people.
The Indian Achievers’ Forum also creates investment opportunities for the Indian and foreign investors through tie ups with different chambers of commerce. The forum acts like a facilitation partner between the investors and the chambers of commerce in highlighting the opportunities, challenges and long term mutual benefits. Indian Achievers’ Forum seeks to promote and encourage friendly feelings, fraternity, unity and co-operation among the people engaged in various sectors of Indian economy. It also seeks to foster co-operation amongst the business community for collection and exchange of information.
The forum arranges meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops on the key issues with leading agencies and associations. The Forum organises re-orientation training programmes, development & other related programmes for the development & knowledge of the members of the forum. The forum secures all the advantages for the social welfare of the members of the organisation through peaceful means.
To provide professional consultancy services to other existing agencies, both private and public for their development programmes including formulation, design, implementation and evaluation.
- The Forum also promotes, encourages and gives recognition to the individuals and social groups for excellent performance in their respective fields.
- The Forum encourages individuals and social groups to provide world-class quality products, services and solutions in India; it helps in building brand equity for the Indian Industry.

- Assistance to Start-ups and MSMEs in becoming
competitive in national and international markets.
- Promotion of trade through meetings with visiting foreign delegations, and participation in Trade Fairs/Exhibitions.
- Expert advice on diverse subjects such as industrial growth, monetary and fiscal policy, exchange rate policy, economic planning, taxation and corporate laws.
- Regular and timely information on latest national and international policies Govt. legislation and technical developments.
- Generating awareness and gathering public support regarding overall social development.
- Providing platforms to interact and gain knowledge through seminars, workshops and round table meetings.
- Felicitating outstanding performers on a global platform for their remarkable achievements in India and abroad.
- Organising Management training, skill development workshops, open house seminars.
- Arranging interaction between business community from India and foreign chambers of commerce, in India as well as overseas.
- Highlighting the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives of Corporate, Govt. agencies, NGOs etc. through seminars, workshops, publications and social media.
The Forum promotes, encourages and gives recognition to for excellent performance in their respective fields, through the coveted Indian Achievers Awards and Global Achievers Awards at National and International platforms.
This award is given to the individuals, organisations and business community people who bring glory for India through their outstanding achievement. The process of nomination is simple, but the process of selection for the award is rigorous wherein their credentials and achievement details are thoroughly studied and scrutinized. Once selected for the Award in their respective field, the award winner also given privileged benefits such as:
- The Winning Trophy & Appreciation Certificate.
- Half page write-up in Achievers’ World magazine – Digital Edition.
- Right to use Indian Achievers’ Award Logo for their branding and PR activities.
- Social media promotion of their achievement through our channels.
- Digital copies of CSR Times magazine.
- Recommendation of their name for other prestigious National/International Awards.
- Referral in Govt Depts. & Ministries for any MSME or Startup issues.


Managing Editor-CSR TIMES